Operational Research and Computational Science
[Publish Date]: 2015-01-15 [visited]: 55

The department mainly undertakes constructions of Information and Computing Science undergraduate program and talents cultivation, constructions of 2 secondary disciplines, that is, operation research and cybernetics and computational mathematics. The program aims at cultivating talents equipped with good mathematical basis and logical ability, fundamental theory, methods, and skills of information and calculation science, and elementary skills to to scientific research. Making good use of the advantage and features of CUFE in finance and economics, the department focuses on application of operation research & cybernetics and computational mathematics in finance and economics. 

The Department of Operational Research and Computing Science offers the special basis courses including Operational Research, Real Variable Functions, Complex Variable Functions, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Solution of Differential Equation, Graph Theory, Functional Analysis, the C Programming Language, Numerical Algebra, Numerical Approximation, Mathematical Physics Equation, etc. Meanwhile, the Department undertakes the construction and teaching task of the public mathematical courses oriented to the whole university.

Faculty of the Department consists of the operational research team, the computing science team and information science team, whose research interests include optimization method, decision analysis, uncertainty theory, finite element method, computer science and application, data mining, control theory, financial mathematics, rough set theory and application, network optimization and design, etc.

There are currently 8 full time teachers, including 2 associate professors and 6 lecturers.
